Monday, March 20, 2017

GMOs Causing Cancer

Okay guys so my research paper is primarily on gmos causing cancer. I'll be talking about what gmos actually are and how the chemicals and stuff cause cancer. When I was looking for articles and stuff I found a lot on rats having tumors caused by gmos, and basically a lot of rat studies. It was a lot of rats studies because those are the closes things to humans to use when doing research. It't weird though, it took forever to find articles on humans. I found some here and there but they didn't seem like creditable sources or they were just really short. There's really nothing more to say about my paper. It's like 3:44 and I need to get ready for work, not really trying to go though :/ , But yeah guys if you find any resources dealing with gmo food and causing cancer in human go ahead and link it. (:
-Vivian Shepherd

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