Monday, December 19, 2016

What's the difference

A lot of people are getting criticized because they create anonymous posts. Being anonymous isn't bad and just because there are a few people using it for bad reasons doesn't mean that it's in the same category as internet anonymity. If we were talking about comics and things of that nature, there are two different type of people that do the same thing which is breaking the law. But they put these people in the categories of Heroes and Villians. My point is the people that is using anonymity for the wrong that is called internet trolling not anonymity.


  1. That's a great point. Just because it is an anonymous post doesn't mean it's trolling. We have to learn the difference between trolling and anonymity. Internet trolling is the issue and it's causing problems for those who use anonymous posting in a positive way. We have to find a way to control trolling without taking anonymous posting.

  2. I like your comparison between heroes and villains. They're both recklessly anonymous, but the heroes are those that use it for the good of the people and the society. There really is no difference between a troll and a villain. They both abuse their freedoms to do things to hurt others. It's a very interesting way to think of it...
