Monday, December 19, 2016


These past few weeks talking about trolls has made me realize a very important thing. There is still hope. When we first started talking about trolls, I was really worried many people in my class would be immature about it. I was worried people would dismiss it and defend the trolls or blame the victim. I see now that I was very wrong and underestimated my class. I would like to apologize for that. I would also like to thank all of you. 

You all have given me hope for the future. You all have made me realize that many of you take this seriously and actually would like to do something about it. I realize many of you may not know how to even start though. Your heart is in the right place but do not know how to act when seeing someone being harassed. Since many of you have inspired me, here is a way to start: H.O.P.E.

H: Help. The moment you see someone being harassed take action. Especially if you see the victim struggling or if the troll is being aggressive. Support the victim in any way possible. If you know this matter won't get out of hand, I suggest you help as much as you can.

O: Observe. Analyze the situation. If the troll is getting too aggressive or too violent, then report that troll with the help of friends. Contact someone that is in charge of the program and tell them about the troll. Comfort the victim and try to kick the troll out with the help of adults and people who specialize in this. However, do not try to get in contact with the troll. This is probably a troll who will not back off and probably start to harass you next, do not get yourself in danger either. trust adults and the help of friends. Make sure the victim is safe, that is priority number one.

P: Plan. This probably can relate to the Observe step. You need to make sure your plan works in helping the victim. Make sure your plan will not put others or yourself in danger.

E: Execute. Make sure that you do this till the end! Carry this out and help someone! Pass this down and bring awareness! Realize that there are many who need help and how they wished they had been supported at least once.  Put these steps into effect by telling someone about it! Someone may one day thank you for it.

With a little H.O.P.E., you could be saving someone, or even changing their life. This will help give them hope to not be scared. They will now believe there are people who can help them. We need to let others know that they are not alone. Thank you all for giving me hope and coming up with these steps. I couldn't have done it with out you guys.

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