Monday, December 19, 2016

As we progressed throughout the unit of Online and Anonymous in class I've come to see the bigger problem that trolling actually is. Trolling was never a big issues in my eyes for multiple reasons, first is because I never experienced a negative encounter myself and second was I thought it would be simple to just ignore whoever was messing with you and continue with your life. I've gotten to read the horrible things that people such as Lindy West and many others have to go through everyday and it's hard to actually believe there are actually people who go out their way to ruin someone else's day. I don't have any ideas on how to fix the problem of people being jerks on the internet and I don't think it will ever go away. You can't force someone to be nice if they really don't want to, the only thing you can do is silence them and that would cause a whole lot of problems if the internet got censorship crazy. I forgot what article it was from, but the part where it talks about how people didn't start being mean when the internet was created holds a lot of truth. Even if trolling is censored and we don't hear of it anymore on the internet there will always be terrible people in this world.

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