Monday, December 12, 2016

Anonymity can have its good yet dangerous effects. Many use being anonymous as a way to troll people and maybe have them become their personal victims. They are mainly afraid of having people know their identity because of their race, gender or sexuality. Also people tend to make others unhappy because usually they hate the way their life is turning out and feel that others should be the same way. I will never grasp the concept of how someone can anonymously attack and bully someone online that can lead into tragic endings. Many people believe blocking is the way to remove trolls out of their life but that will only make the troll win because they will always be there and move on to the next victim.


  1. I totally agree that even blocking them would make things seem better but it would only make others fall victims as well. They will just keep making other unknown accounts after they've been blocked because they can. Anonymity in the internet is unlimited. What choice do we have?

  2. Yes, people are insecure with themselves like I was telling Jessie. We need to stop the negative trolling on the Internet, which is why I am starting the Internet police. This idea will help control what the trolls post. Eventually, Internet trolling would become more controlled but I do not think it can be eliminated.
