Monday, December 12, 2016

I don't believe all anonymous people are horrible people. I believe some of them may too afraid in what people have to say . We live in a real judgemental world . People constantly judge others for being Fbeing different . In stead of judging people i feel like we should embrace them and make them
Feel welcomed . This is why people feel like they have to be anonymous. My classmate named Jennifer was a shy girl. She loved writing poetry and stuff like that . She told me she was going to post it online anonymously , and she did . Many people loved her work and some people were harsh . But Jennifer learned an important lesson , do what makes you happy . From this day on she posts her poetry with her real name . You can find her work on her instagram @ jenniferpoet! :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. This world probably would be a lot better if people could embrace and love like you say, but sadly, some people just don't understand how to be good human beings. Also, I really like that phrase "do what makes you happy." As long as what makes people happy doesn't involve hurting other people, then I definitely encourage people's freedom of happiness. Just do you :)
