Monday, December 5, 2016

Controlling Trolls

To begin with, there are people in the world that are social media addict. These people are most of the young people , including myself . But social media isn't for everyone ,there are people who abuse it, by abusing other people. They say harsh things on other's posts and they can be really hurtful . Most students consider "roasting" like a sport. you talk bad about someone to only get a worst response from them and you go back and forth until someone has ran out thought that can potentially embarrass someone. Question is can these trolls , the ones that go under someone else page not home around with them but hurt them be controlled ? My answer about it is no. Though ignoring someone may seem like the best way to fight the troll. Or you aren't sure if responded will keep them quited or  hype them up. The issue is that trolls are dangerous and depending circumstances they must be stopped .


  1. This is true and with the roasting part it's now glorified but really it's a bad thing.-Vivian Shepherd

  2. Some people on social media encourage the roasting becaus they think it is funny. They don't know that what the "troll" says can actually hurt the other person. I believe that words can hurt people and no one deserves to be made fun of.
