Wednesday, November 30, 2016

this is oddly long, i'm sorry if anyone actually reads all of it

Oh being the first one to post is weirdddd, I don't think I like this haha. I spend a lot of time on the internet and social media. If I'm being 100% honest, I probably spend too much time on social media. So I've seen an abundance of not so cool things on these said social medias. I think most of it derives from the confidence behind a keyboard. Which has both its pros and it's cons. Like some people take the confidence given to them by a keyboard and use it to post cool things like their art or jokes or super cute selfies on their accounts HAHAHA. And those are honestly my favorite, everyone deserves to be appreciated and gassed up. GAS UP UR FRIENDS LOL. But then there's the side where you see people take their confidence and construct it into something extremely negative. Ive encountered toooooo many little bitter kids in the internet who go out of their way to be negative and at first you're like...why?? But I guess it's a personal thing. People find outlets and use them to console themselves. Some people find comfort in the the act of throwing shade or sub posting or putting their drama on the internet (i've done that lol i apologize for anyone who had to see me be a mess) (i've grown though, don't worry!) (you probably werent worrying, you were probably just recalling me being annoying on the internet HAHAHA) Its a way to release thoughts. Its all to cope I guess. Comfort is found behind the faces and names we make for ourselves on our accounts and while some people won't agree to that, I humbly admit there have been too many times throughout high school where I let myself act extremely entitled because I felt confident on twitter. And ultimately, like everything else, we do these things and we post this stuff so we can look back and 1. wonder why we were so ugly and 2. so we can learn (to not be so ugly and to stop being so immature.) And that's what this whole part of life is about: to learn and to grow. So if you're using social media to create problems and to be negative, you'll grow from it honestly. I don't see this as making anyone a bad person, it's just something you have to grow from. We all do not so great things that we have to learn a lesson from. And if you're the one being shaded or subposted, you'll grow to ignore it all because it's just the internet, this is honestly such a trivial thing that a lot of people, including myself have let be a bigger aspect in their daily lives. And this is just high school, what people say about you in the internet will not be remembered when you're 35 and doing what you love. So continue your reign on social media however you decide to go about it, you'll grow from it whether it be you posting postively or negatively.

1 comment:

  1. This was so real tbh. I never really thought about it like this either. Like how it's probably true that we've all taken a share of time being shady or receiving the shade, but that it's just a part of life and we have to deal with it and grow from it. I love how you have such a positive outlook on it. Thanks for opening my perspective a little more (:
