Monday, November 14, 2016

Homesickness and Starting Anew

1. What am I going to do when I'm in college, dorming away from home and I get homesick?

- As a senior who does not know how to drive yet, this is a very prominent question that is sticking in my mind. By the time I get to college, I'll legally be an adult, and I hope that I can survive as one without relying on my parents too much, but eventually I know I'll miss them. I'm going to believe that my phone will be my best friend on days where I will be incredibly missing home. I will be able to FaceTime my parents and siblings and call them whenever I feel pangs of sadness. Another thing I could do before this school year ends, is get my driving license and drive home every once in a while. Knowing how buses work and which routes will take you home probably won't hurt either if you don't have a car to take to college.

2. How will it be like living in a new area and not knowing anyone at all?

-As a generally introverted teenager, I'm not sure how easy it will be for me to make friends in college especially if I'm going to be placed in a new environment with all sorts of new things being thrown at me from every which way. A good way, I think to adjust to the college life is to make friends as soon as possible. In all of your classes, ask people who sit next to you for their numbers so you can contact them for schoolwork and possibly to hangout in the future if they seem nice enough. Don't be afraid to say hi to someone and ask how their day is going. It'll be hard, for sure, but I believe with enough determination and a few weeks, people will already have made new friends at their new college campus.


  1. I have actually been thinking about that a lot lately too. For some reason, I tend to get really homesick while traveling, but in all honesty, I really want to go to college far away from home. I think that if you are genuinely happy with life in college and you live in a pleasant college town with nice people, then your homesickness will go away. (:

    1. That's true! I'm hoping that when I dorm in college, I'll make friends so close they'll be like family and be comfortable enough where I am so that I don't get homesick often

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